Elina Duni
A Time To Remember
A Time To Remember
Për muzikën dhe për fjalët e këngës u përkujdesën Retrovizorja & Rob Luft.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
All we have is to surrender
There is one time to live
And one time to remember
The burdens we carry will make us tender
They are what remains
Of our life's ember
The fire that once burned
Everything to the ground
The sky that once promised
All the stars you could count
Memories, and you are left behind
Memories, that's all there is to unwind
There is one time to live
And one time to remember
The burdens we carry will make us tender
They are what remains
Of our life's ember
The fire that once burned
Everything to the ground
The sky that once promised
All the stars you could count
Memories, and you are left behind
Memories, that's all there is to unwind
- Publikimi: 01/06/2023
- Ora: 22:00
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- Artist kryesor:
- Muzika: RetrovizorjaRob Luft
- Teksti: RetrovizorjaRob Luft
- Studio muzikore: La Buissonne (Gérard De Haro)
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