Lil G - Where Are You Now
Lil G
Where Are You Now
(Feat. DarJa)

Pas kurimit të të gjitha detajeve, materiali muzikor është paraqitur tek fansat i realizuar në spektrin vizual me anë të një videoklipi, video produksionin e të cilit e punoi MAX Production. Ky videoklip u publikua me datë 1 Shkurt 2016. Autore e muzikës është DarJa, ndërsa për tekstin u përkujdesën Lil G & DarJa.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Ref :
Where Are You Now,
When My World Is Ending
Where Are You Now
Where Are You Now

Vers 1 - LiL G
Gabimisht u dashurova
Me personin e gabuar
Dhe me pas u pendova
Per ate koh qe ka kaluar
Duket si nje shpres e shuar
Qe ne zemer ska qendruar
Ne krahun tim eshte dikush tjeter
Ndjenjen per ta riparuar
Zeri yt degjohet sote
Neper muret e kesaj dhome
Dhe ne bluzen qe une vesh
Ndjehet era asaj arome
Nuk ka vler se ca kaloj
Ska kuptim sepse mbaroj
Çiltersia nje rrugaçi
Pak u shfaq e me pas shkoi
Skish princesh qe ta kalonte
Ishe si nje vajze mbreti
Ne krasim nga bukuria
Ishe si nje SIREN deti
Ishte fjala e me te vjetrit
Qe ksaj ndjenje i tha shko
Bukuria te genjen
Prandaj mos u dashuro
Une gabova bashke me zemren
Po nuk ishte ky qellimi
Dhe une mbeta i lenduar
Si aktor kryesor filmi
Te kujtoj me mall ne zemer
Dhe me shpirt plot hidherim
Nuk pendohem per asgje
Se ti S'ishe fati im

Ref :
Where Are You Now,
When My World Is Ending
Where Are You Now
Where Are You Now

Vers 2 - LiL G
Dashuria ka shteruar
Ne mes nesh gjithcka mbaroj
Ajo ndjenj kish perfunduar
Qe ne momentin qe filloj
Ishte thjesht nje shikim
Kur dashuria na pushtoj
Molla kuqe ish per mua
Qe si shtriga me helmoj
Po Ne zemer prap te mbaj
Sepse brenda saj ti hyre
E ste heq dot nga kujtimet
Se tashme je pjes e tyre
Je arsyja e frymarjes
E ndjesis ne trupin tim
Por si djelli qe shkelqen
Dhe largohet ne perendim
Kur pa ty i hapi sytt
Duket bosh gjithcka per rreth
Nje pejsazh pa pik kuptimi
Qe vec mishin ma rrengjeth
Ishe engjell ne jeten time
Tash e keqja me pushtoj
Thell ne zemer ndjeva thiken
Edhe gjakun qe m'pikoj
Ne syt e mi nuk ka me lot
Situata prap kaloj
Ne fytyren e cdo vajze
Une prap ty do te shikoj
Refuzove zemren time
Si te ishte nje cop hekur
Sdo kujtohesh me per mu
Dhe nse do kisha vdekur

English Rap:

Wrongly i felt in love
With the wrong person
After i regreted for the time
That have been passed
It looks like a extinguished hope
That in heart didn't stayed,
In my arm is someone else
The feeling to repair
Your voice is heard today
In the walls of this room
And in the shirt that I have
Smells the smell of that smell
It doesn't worth
What have been passed
Have no sense why its over
Oppenses of a thug a little
Showed and after gone
There is no princess better
She was like a kings daughter
In comparing by the beauty
She was like a mermaid
It was the word of the oldest
That said go to this feeeling
The beauty lies so dont fall in love
I made a mistake with my heart
But this was not the goal
And I stayed hurted like
A movie prime actor
I remember you with missing
In my heart and my soul full of bitternes
I do not regret for everything
Because you were not my destiny

Where Are You Now,
When My World Is Ending
Where Are You Now
Where Are You Now

Rrep 2
The love is over between
Us everything is finished
That feeling was over
From the moment that it started,
It was only a looking
When love invaded us
The red apple was for me that
Like the witch poisoned me
But in my heart i still keep you
Because inside of it you entered
Cant take you away from memories
Because now you are part of them
You are the reason of breathtaking
And the feeling in my body
Like the sun shines
And goes away in the sunset
When without you i open my eyes
It looks empty everything around
A panorama with no sense
That thrills my flash
You was an angel in my life
Now the evil invaded me deep in my heart
I felt the knife and the blood dropped,
In my eyes there are no more tears
The situation again has passed,
In the face of every girl still you i will see,
You refused my heart like it was a piece of iron,
You will no more remember me,
Even if i am dead and gone

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